There are four stages of a company’s development: forming, storming, norming and performing. In 2017, Exceedent was forming: adding two to three new employees every month throughout the year, expanding networks and adding new products.
Exceedent also grew its geographical service areas and number of members. Employees hit the ground running as we learned to rework roles, collaborate and communicate. The creation of our Large Group Operations Team allowed us to provide value to organizations with more employees.
At the same time, requests for our services and solutions drove our multistate expansion.
The key to our success is being nimble in reacting to changes while actively seeking new opportunities. We have built our team to do that.
This year, I’m excited about our ability to grow and meet the needs of our customers. Our focus is on helping our employers transition their culture into one of health care awareness and accountability, empowering their employees with the knowledge, tools and programs that make them wise health care consumers.
To lead the market in member employee support, Exceedent has partnered with STYR Labs to provide every member employee, within the groups we serve, with an Activity Tracker. A health tool like this helps individuals understand their fitness and eating behaviors as well as the outcomes of their health choices.
Changing the health care game, Exceedent is also working on pilot programs with on-site and community medicine. We’re meeting people in their homes and at their workplaces by providing medical services via a web link with a physician. These programs take Exceedent to the next level in what can be provided to your clients.
Growth this fast takes a lot of hard work and dedication from a team that takes pride in what they do and deliver. Your commitment to Exceedent as we grow keeps us focused on bringing an ever-improving future to your clients. This past year has been fantastic. And we now have a great combination of success metrics in place that will help Exceedent dominate in 2018. Stay tuned for more updates coming this summer.
Jeff Zavada